Our references

Since 2009, we have been supporting clients with their hydrogen mobility projects and working actively within a dynamic sector as part of a shared commitment to meet the challenges of the energy transition while promoting cleaner and more sustainable mobility.

Our most recent realisations

Our clients

Drawing on our field experience and the proven reliability of our installed fleet of stations, we offer our expertise and support to clients in the development of their low-carbon mobility projects.

Our partners

Decarbonisation cannot be achieved alone, and we strongly believe that it is only by cooperating and sharing the expertise of the players in our sector that, together, we will succeed in accelerating the deployment of hydrogen.

Committed to European projects

As a symbol of its commitment to the development of the hydrogen industry in Europe, HRS is a member of two consortia backed by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, with the support of the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.

RHeaDHy for « Refuelling Heavy Duty with very high flow Hydrogen »
alongside Engie, Zentrum Fur Brennstoffzellen-Technik Gmbh, Lauda, Faurecia, Alfa Laval Vicarb, Tescom Europe Gmbh, Emerson, Benkei (grant agreement n° 101101443)

H2REF-DEMO for « Hydraulic compression for high capacity hydrogen refuelling station Demonstration »
alongside Faber Industrie Spa, Hydac Technology Gmbh, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, H2nova,Universita Degli Studi Di Modena E Reggio Emilia (grant agreement n° 101101517)