Collective mobility

Collective mobility is often the starting point for building an ecosystem. Regional authorities are therefore mobilising local stakeholders around the energy transition.

Hydrogen: the energy of the regions

HRS hydrogen refueling stations represent a concrete solution enabling a large-scale reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the achievement of carbon neutrality within regional authorities. Our stations play a key role in the development of low-carbon mobility across the regions.

Why choose hydrogen mobility for your regional authority?

By 2026, public sector stakeholders will need to have upgraded their fleets to include at least 37.4% "very low-emission" vehicles1, i.e. battery electric or hydrogen vehicles.1, c’est-à-dire électriques à batterie ou hydrogène.

Where range, refueling time and loading capacity requirements dictate, hydrogen is proving the most suitable mobility solution.

At a regional level, the use of hydrogen must be linked to local dispensing infrastructure. HRS will support you in developing an ecosystem through a turnkey dispensing system similar to that used for gas stations. A great way to bring together and mobilise both public and private stakeholders.

Regional authorities can therefore deploy the use of hydrogen in a wide range of transport applications suitable for their particular authority: buses, waste collection trucks, tractors, heavy goods vehicles, refrigerated trailers, cargo bikes, commercial vehicles; rail mobility: regional or inter-regional trains travelling on non-electrified lines; sea and river mobility: boats, shuttles and pushers, etc.


HRS hydrogen station installed in La-Roche-sur-Yon for SYDEV – © Sébastien SASSOULAS

Combined use by public and private stakeholders for mobility

Regional authorities, in association with economic stakeholders, are gradually creating regional networks with public hydrogen dispensing stations for varied use by regional authorities, businesses, the public, etc.

HRS has a presence across the French regions:

A fleet of hydrogen vehicles for public services

Waste collection trucks, buses, commercial vehicles… will prove effective in hydrogen versions. These vehicles offer comfortable operation on journeys exceeding 100 km and double collections with reduced interval times.

Installing a hydrogen refueling station in your municipality will enable you to refuel your vehicle fleet in one of two ways:

  • rapidly through operation similar to that of a service station (15 minutes for a 30 kg bus tank, for example)
  • slow refueling of several vehicles simultaneously on site.

Do you represent a regional authority with a hydrogen mobility project?

The HRS teams will support you by offering you the optimal solution for your needs. Contact our experts.

France Hydrogen's forecasts

Number of buses

in 2024
in 2033

Number of BOM

in 2024
in 2026

Number of coaches

in 2024
in 2026

Advantages of hydrogen for collective mobility

Our realisations for collective mobility