Hydrogen refueling stations

HRS manufactures turnkey high-capacity refueling stations for partners and direct clients in France and Europe, giving it a privileged position on the European market.

Turnkey hydrogen refueling stations

Drawing on expertise dating back to 2004 and experts in fluid transport, we manage the entire process in-house:

  • Design by our design and engineering office,
  • Manufacturing in our industrial production site in Isère,
  • Installation of our stations by our dedicated teams,
  • Start-up and commissioning of stations by our experts,
  • Maintenance ensuring a personalised, responsive service

HRS refueling stations are compatible with all types of gaseous hydrogen source:

  • Pressurised storage (cylinder rack, trailers, tanks, etc.)
  • Electrolyser
  • Pipeline
  • Biomass

Our hydrogen stations can be used to refuel any type of vehicle and are therefore compatible with all types of mobility thanks to their two available pressure settings (350 bar and 700 bar):

  • Mass-market: passenger vehicles
  • Road transport: heavy duty vehicles, buses, etc.
  • Logistics: fleet of forklifts
  • Sea and rail: boats, trains, port machinery, etc.
Hydrogen station produced by HRS at Saint-Priest for Hympulsion

Major competitive advantages based on our expertise

Thanks to our expertise in risk management, piping, automated systems and industrial electricity, HRS stations offer key technical and commercial competitive advantages.

How does a hydrogen station work?

A hydrogen refueling station filled with hydrogen gas compresses the gas at high pressure, stores it and cools it to be dispensed.

Installed on the ground, the station comprises at least four main modules.

Play Video about Station de ravitaillement hydrogène HRS

1. Compression

Hydrogen enters the compression module at a minimum pressure of 30 bar, and is compressed up to 950 bar.

The HRS +
The compression module comprises two compressors to enable redundancy. The metal structure is designed and manufactured by our teams to allow the main components to be easily accessed and maintained.

2. Storage

Once compressed, the storage module (buffer) ensures that there is sufficient hydrogen available to fill vehicle tanks using a cascade pressure balancing process.

The HRS +
HRS stations can be modular and scalable: an existing installation can be equipped with additional storage capacity to adapt to the client's usage and any consumption peaks.

3. Cooling unit

The cooling system is linked to the H2 dispensing system and regulates the temperature of the hydrogen supplied to the vehicle to guarantee an optimal filling rate while limiting tank heating.

The HRS +
Our cooling units enable hydrogen to be dispensed in compliance with fueling protocol SAE J2601 T30.

4. Dispensing

The dispenser is the system's outlet point. This may comprise up to three dispensing nozzles. Each nozzle on the dispenser has its own filling pressure: 350 bar, 350 bar HF, 700 bar.
With the nozzle connected, the station communicates with the vehicle (via the infra-red sensors located around the opening) and monitors the pressure and temperature parameters of the vehicle's tank during filling.

The HRS +
Our hydrogen dispensing system complies with fueling protocol SAE J2601 (ISO 19880-1) T30, as officially certified by the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP). Our teams also work actively to optimise the filling time during refueling via the MC Formula protocol.

One of the largest installed bases in Europe

Between 2009 and 2019, HRS produced 34 stations for a major client. These were installed in Germany, France, Denmark, and the USA.

Since 2020 and the company's change of strategy to include the design and installation of new-generation stations, HRS has installed 22 stations, including 1 in Saudi Arabia.

- Data August 2024 -

Station designed, manufactured and installed by HRS
Planned stations

Our hydrogen stations from 14 to 80 kg of hydrogen/hour

To cover the needs of the market and address the different types of mobility, HRS develops and sells high-capacity stations that can compress 14, 40 or 80 kg of hydrogen an hour, supplied at 350 bar and 700 bar.

HRS Hydrogen fueling stations

Compare our stations

Hydrogen source
Electrolysis, trailer
Electrolysis, trailer
Electrolysis, trailer
Compression capacity
14 kg / h
40 kg / h
80 kg / h
Minimum inlet compression pressure (bar)
Compatible vehicles
350 bar (35 Mpa) – 700 bar (70 Mpa)
350 bar (35 Mpa) – 700 bar (70 Mpa)
Dispensers | Available nozzles
1 | H35 – H35HF – H70
2 | H35 – H35HF – H70
Min. process area for installation (sqm)
Power needs (kW)
474 1
Data monitoring & Control System
Installation and commissioning
Payment solution
Approval & Certifications

✔ = included – O = optional – C = Contact us for more information
1 650 kW if station upgraded to 80 kg/hour
These information are for informational purposes only, specifications are subject to change. Contact HRS for more information. Contact us pour plus d’informations.

Towards higher-capacity stations

To prepare for the growing demand for hydrogen in the mobility sector, HRS is working with European partners to develop higher-capacity stations.

The aim of partners involved in the European H2REF-DEMO project is to boost the capacity of the stations while optimising costs, processes, and energy consumption. Objective by 2026: a hydrogen station with a compression capacity of 150 kg of hydrogen/hour.

Would you like support with your project?

Do you want to reduce the carbon footprint of your vehicle fleet?
Do you need a tailor-made study for your project?
Our team of experts will support you in your transition to low-carbon mobility.

Latest realisations

Why choose HRS?

Frequently asked questions about hydrogen stations

How long does it take to refuel a hydrogen vehicle?

Hydrogen refueling at our HRS stations is done in accordance with the SAE J2601 standard which sets out a protocol that takes into account the pressure, flow rate and temperature.

The filling speed is approximately 1 kg/minute, or around 5 minutes for a passenger vehicle. Faster refueling is possible for heavy-duty vehicles: around 15 minutes for a bus (30 kg).

Because fast refueling is one of the main advantages of hydrogen for mobility, HRS is working to develop very high-speed refueling. Through our involvement with the RHeaDHy project, we are aiming for a fivefold reduction in the refueling time for heavy-duty vehicles.

The objective: refueling of a high-capacity truck (100 kg) in just 10 minutes!

How does a hydrogen service station work?

Hydrogen is dispensed from a pump in the form of a gas. This means you can "fill up" in just a few minutes by connecting a nozzle to your vehicle's tank, just like a combustion engine vehicle.

However, because the hydrogen is in its gaseous state, the process used to convey it to the pump differs from that used at a petrol service station.

The hydrogen passes through various modules at the station before arriving at the dispenser: it is compressed for storage then cooled ready to be dispensed when a vehicle arrives at the pump. To find out how a hydrogen station works, click here.

How are hydrogen stations manufactured?

HRS hydrogen refueling stations are manufactured on an industrial scale.

This is possible thanks to HRS's technological expertise based on the integration of complex diverse expertise in high-pressure environments.

HRS stations are formed of at least four main modules:

  • Compression,
  • Storage (modular as required),
  • Cooling units,
  • Dispenser.

In addition to assembling the various modules, our teams design and assemble the piping required for the various components, as well as the electrical components, the automatic system, etc.

The stations are manufactured and assembled at our industrial site in Champagnier, part of the Grenoble urban area, with 10,000 m² dedicated to station production.

Can a hydrogen station be autonomous?

A hydrogen refueling station must be supplied with gas to be able to operate.
If it is supplied with hydrogen gas produced on site by an electrolyser, it can be considered to operate "autonomously". The gas is produced on site, before entering the station to be compressed, stored, cooled, and dispensed to vehicles.

To find out more about how a hydrogen station operates

Another advantage of HRS stations is that they can be adapted to all types of hydrogen source. The gas can therefore be produced on site by electrolysis or transported to the site by truck, tube-trailer, or pipeline.

Does the HRS station produce hydrogen?

Our hydrogen refueling stations do not produce hydrogen, but are used to compress, store, and dispense hydrogen to vehicles for refueling.

HRS stations can be connected to all types of hydrogen source.

There are several methods for producing hydrogen and some refueling stations can be connected to an electrolyser installed on the site, which means the hydrogen is produced on site. This enables a continuous hydrogen supply, even in regions in which there is limited distribution of hydrogen.

Where are the hydrogen stations located?

The hydrogen pumps are accessible infrastructures, just like petrol and diesel service stations.

Currently in France and Europe, hydrogen vehicle fleets are mainly privately owned (companies, regional authorities, etc.), which means the stations are often located at private sites.

Companies have positioned themselves as hydrogen distributors and set up their own networks, as in France: Engie, Hympulsion, Hype, Sydev, Hygo

In 2022, there were 1070 stations listed throughout the world – a 55% increase compared to 2021 – the majority of which (> 650) were in Asia, 276 in Europe and 116 in America1.

HRS has positioned itself as a pure industrial player for H2 stations, with an annual production capacity of 180 stations, or one sixth of the world's installed base in 2022.

1 Hydrogen Council

Where can I find a hydrogen station in France? In Europe?

France Hydrogène has produced a map of H2 service stations in France, which is available from the Vig’Hy hydrogen observatory.

In Europe, hydrogen stations – both operational and under construction – can be found on the H2 live, H2 map and H2 stations websites.

Hydrogen stations are installed at public or private sites belonging to the owners of hydrogen vehicle fleets, therefore it is not yet possible to refuel with H2 at home as can be done with an electric vehicle.

According to France Hydrogène1, by 2030 there will be 1000 H2 stations across the country for refueling:

  • 300,000 light vehicles
  • 5000 heavy goods vehicles
  • 1000 boats
  • 250 trains

To view the stations installed by HRS: click here.

1 France Hydrogène

Can a hydrogen refueling point be installed at home?

Hydrogen refueling stations are equivalent to service stations used to "fill up" by connecting a nozzle to the vehicle.

It is not yet possible to install an H2 station at home like an electric recharging point, as this technology requires significant infrastructure comprising several modules.

The number of hydrogen refueling stations is gradually increasing across several countries, specifically in regions where the adoption of hydrogen as an energy source is encouraged.

Several applications hold information on hydrogen refueling stations throughout the world: H2 live, H2 map, H2 stations, Vig’Hy

Qu’est ce que le règlement européen AFIR ?

L’Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation a été mis en place par l’Union européenne afin d’atteindre la neutralité carbone d’ici 2050. Ce cadre réglementaire est là pour structurer le développement d’infrastructures de recharge et de distribution de carburants alternatifs, dont l’hydrogène fait partie.
Le règlement AFIR prévoit le déploiement des stations de ravitaillement en hydrogène et impose aux États membres de l’appliquer d’ici 2030 le long du Réseau TransEuropéen de Transport.

L’objectif correspond à un point d’avitaillement tous les 200 km sur les 9 axes du réseau, une station de ravitaillement dans chaque nœud urbain, chaque point de ravitaillement devant avoir un débit d’1 tonne d’hydrogène par jour à 700 bar.

What is the price of hydrogen at the pump?

The price of hydrogen is not calculated by the litre, but by the kg. €10-€20 per kg of hydrogen is the average price at the station, given that 1 kg is equivalent to a range of ~100 km for a passenger vehicle.

Several projects are under way to reduce the pump price, looking at both production and distribution.

Companies are undertaking large-scale projects to produce green hydrogen to be sold at a more competitive price. For example, Gaia Future Energy is aiming to produce 1 Mt of green hydrogen in Morocco by 2030 for the European market.

Reducing the pump price of hydrogen also requires a review of infrastructure costs. HRS has been able to scale up its stations activity by industrialising its hydrogen refueling station manufacturing process: thanks to a tripling of its production capacity following its move to the Champagnier site, HRS is aiming to boost the competitiveness of its products in order to promote access to H2 for mobility.

L’État français étend en 2024 la « Taxe incitative à l’utilisation d’énergie renouvelable dans les transports » (TIRUERT) à l’hydrogène décarboné. Cette taxe a pour but de réduire le coût de l’hydrogène à la pompe. À long terme, elle devrait permettre d’atteindre 4.70€ le kilo d’hydrogène, si ce dernier est 100% renouvelable.