Frequently Asked Questions

is there support for the deployment of hydrogen mobility?

Yes and there several:

For the deployment of vehicles:

  • Regional and local grants can subsidise the purchase or long-term leasing of hydrogen vehicles.

For the deployment of hydrogen distribution stations:

  • The Banque des Territoires' financing offer for public or private players with projects meeting several conditions. It then offers 4 types of financial package (co-financing, direct investment, minority co-investment in the project company (20% to 49%) and quasi-equity contribution).
  • European calls for projects such as the one launched as part of the Connecting Europe Facility programme, which has earmarked €1 billion for the deployment of alternative fuel supply infrastructures along the TEN-T network.
  • ADEME's regional calls for projects, which have supported the development of hydrogen infrastructure from 2018 to 2023, 91% of the projects supported relate to the transport sector.
  • Calls for Hydrogen Valleys projects, such as IMAGhyNE in the AURA region, where a budget of €20m has been allocated.