HRS partners with experts in the sector
We believe that we can only accelerate the transition to more environmentally friendly mobility solutions by working together, which is why we rely on a solid network of partners and project leaders to help us develop large-scale solutions.
There must be a collective and coordinated effort to place hydrogen technology at the heart of a sustainable future.
Hassen Rachedi, founder and CEO
Our hydrogen investment in France
HRS – an active member of France Hydrogène
With over 450 members, France Hydrogène brings together stakeholders in the French hydrogen sector as a whole (large industrial groups, SMEs, SMIs, innovative startups, laboratories and research centres, associations, competitiveness clusters and regional authorities) that are working to deploy hydrogen solutions.
At the Annual General Meeting in December 2022, HRS was elected to the association's Board of Directors.
We work with France Hydrogène to structure the sector, share and promote its issues, raise awareness of the benefits and features of the technology, facilitate social dialogue around national objectives and local initiatives, and develop the regulatory framework to support the deployment of hydrogen technologies in France.
As an active member, we are involved in three working groups: France Hydrogène Mobility, Maritime and waterway mobility, Territories.
We know the key role played by territorial ecosystems in developing the sector, which is why HRS is actively involved with regional authorities. Catherine Azzopardi, our Director of Development for France, was appointed Representative of Regional Delegations on the Board of Directors of France Hydrogène in June 2023, and then member of the bureau of France Hydrogène in December 2024.
As the Representative for Regional Delegations at France Hydrogène, I am strengthening the links between territories by encouraging dialogue and involvement among all parties. I am proud to be involved in structuring our sector.
Catherine Azzopardi, Director of Development for France at HRS
Representative for Regional Delegations at France Hydrogène
Strong regional roots in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
HRS is a member of Région AURA Entreprises, and benefits from the support of the "Région AURA" (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region). It was awarded €850,000 as part of the "Solution Région Création - m’implanter en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes" programme to attract businesses to the region. This will be used to purchase industrial production equipment for our new production site in Champagnier.
As an active player in the Grenoble urban area, HRS is a member of Mobil’is, an organisation that has been promoting innovative mobility solutions in Isère since 1995.
Member of regional competitiveness clusters
HRS is a member of the Tenerrdis regional cluster for the energy transition. This commitment enables us to contribute to the economic dynamism of our region alongside numerous stakeholders in decarbonised mobility or storage and conversion of electricity.
HRS is a member of Capenergies, a competitiveness cluster that promotes projects focusing on non-greenhouse gas-emitting energy in Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Corsica, Guadeloupe, Réunion and Monaco.
Our hydrogen investment in Europe
Member of Hydrogen Europe
Hydrogen Europe is an association that represents the interests of the hydrogen industry and its stakeholders to promote hydrogen across Europe as a catalyst for a zero-emission society.
In 2022, HRS participated in the European working group on mobility. The aim is to further develop the mobility market by leveraging the considerable innovation potential of our ecosystem, as well as our key position at the heart of the value chain.
We believe that a coordinated effort is essential for building a European framework that will unleash innovation and enable widespread development and deployment of these new solutions. That's why we are setting clear objectives to tackle the various issues around mobility and bringing them to the attention of the authorities.
Member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was created in July 2020 to support the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030. It brings together the production of renewable low-carbon hydrogen, industry demand, mobility and the transportation and distribution of hydrogen.
As a member of the alliance, we help to promote low-carbon hydrogen and act to accelerate decarbonisation in line with objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Commercial development in Italy with Simplifhy
Working towards the goal of decarbonisation, HRS and Simplifhy have agreed to develop joint commercial opportunities for hydrogen refueling solutions in the rapidly growing Italian market.
This agreement will enable HRS to offer its hydrogen refueling solutions across Italy backed by the dedicated local and experienced technical support of the Simplifhy team, while reducing costs and installation times for on-site projects.
Click here to find out more
HRS – a stakeholder in large-scale European R&D projects
Jointly funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe programme as part of the "Clean Hydrogen Partnership" initiative, under grant agreement no. 101101443 and no. 101101517, HRS was selected to lead two major projects focusing on the development of hydrogen mobility!
HRS was respectively the first and second recipients in terms of the amounts allocated for these two projects, which totalled €2.3M in R&D grants for HRS.
Key player in the RHeaDHy project
RHeaDHy (Refueling Heavy Duty with very high flow HYdrogen) focuses on the hydrogen refueling process for heavy-duty vehicles, with the design of key components to guarantee very high flow rates to achieve a fivefold reduction in existing refueling times by 2026. Backed by a European consortium, RHeaDHy represents an important step in unlocking the H2 truck market through the installation of an extensive, high-performance network of hydrogen refueling stations.
Key player in the H2REF-DEMO project
The aim of H2REF-DEMO is to boost the capacity of hydrogen refueling stations to achieve compression capacities of several hundred kg per hour for refueling fleets of buses, trucks, and trains.
During the period 2023-2026, the members of the H2REF-DEMO consortium will focus specifically on optimising processes, reducing costs, and increasing durability. The knowledge acquired will help to accelerate a European commercial deployment.

Member of local organisations throughout the world

In Spain - AEH2
As a member of the Spanish Hydrogen Association AeH2 (Asociación Española del Hidrógeno), we are in contact with the sector's main national players, and we stay up to date with all the latest developments in hydrogen technology in Spain.

In Portugal – AP2H2
HRS is a stakeholder in AP2H2 (Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção do Hidrogénio), a Portuguese organisation that promotes the introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier and encourages its use in commercial and industrial applications in Portugal.

In the Middle East – MENA Hydrogen Alliance
HRS is a member of the Middle East (MENA) hydrogen alliance, which brings together private and public bodies with the aim of promoting pilot projects focusing on low-carbon hydrogen throughout the region.
HRS is also an associate partner of Dii Desert Energy, an international network and leader in the energy transition in the Middle East.

In Monaco – Monaco Hydrogen Alliance
HRS is a member of the Monaco hydrogen alliance alongside international leader of renewable hydrogen. This association promotes the use of green hydrogen in land, air and sea transport.